(One Act)
one flat of large living Room. A large sofa in the middle of the living room, a center table with a flower pot on it and a chair on either side of it. Behind the sofa, the gallery has white curtains.
From the entrance door of living Room. Yakub and Aditya both 28 Years Youth. Both come inside discussing. His behind Aditya to explain him
Aditya -Yakub,dont behave like teenager ! I cant understand that, You are a 28 year old Gold Medal Winner Police Officer or 17/ 18 years old boy, madly in love !
Yakub – and Mr Aditya ……. I cant understand that, You are my friend or her lawyer ?
You agree with everything she says!
Aditya- Of-course ! I think she is right. Because I am your friend since childhood. You were a champion in karate, boxing, swimming as well as you were smart in studies, you were famous as a macho man in college, many girls in college were attracted to you.I notice every change in you. At the age of 17/18, you were the number one playboy among girls! Had a new girlfriend every 2/3 months.! Hyper sexuality was developed in you ! Cigarettes like a chain smoker and alcohol were added to it! I was afraid that the crime of rape would never happen from your hands!!
Yakoob – For that you sent me to a psychiatrist. What kind of psychiatrist was he, a specialist in hypnotism, he tried hypnotism on me!
Aditya – (hitting his head) That was my mistake….!!!!! Due to his hypnotism, you got rid of your addiction to cigarettes and alcohol but got addicted to the name Aishwarya.
Yakub – He sent a video of hypnotism to my mobile.——
(There is a black out on the set. The white screen of the gallery lights up. On the screen there is only a man smoking a cigarette and taking a pint of alcohol while looking at his mobile phone while a dark shadow a chuckle shaped figure starts moving round and round behind him. )
(Black Out Over voice over also finish )
Yakub- Thus, ended the night enjoying each other..In the morning I asked her about marriage and she said that, There is no love between her and me, only physical attraction. So let’s just have physical relationship without marriage…..It was absolutely shocking for me! I never thought that a woman could say something like that!
Aditya – Now you feel it? Now do you understand the suffering of those giinrls, women ?When you were changing them like clothes !!! Yakub , you and she wasn’t in love. Both of you were affected by that doctor’s hypnotism in the wrong way. But she was soon out of that influence. But on you…
Yakub – (taking a long breath )I am still the same drunk. After that I got rid of cigarette and alcohol addiction forever, and till date I have not looked at any other girl except Aishwarya
Aditya-That’s it…. Aishwarya took the place of cigarettes and alcohol in your brain, in your mind. I thought maybe the effect of the doctor’s hypnotism was only for a few days!!
Yakub – So you said that this is right. Not only that but you forced me to accept her decision! Since last 2 years, we threw dust in people’s eyes, kept the whole society in darkness, had intercourse without marriage…!. ..!
And that’s right for you. Still, you should leave her and marry a Muslim girl of your own religion. Aishwarya is a 35 year old financially independent business woman. Don’t dream of marrying her and converting her from Hinduism to Muslim!!
Yakub ( loud shout ) Shut up! You are my childhood friend and that’s all you know me till now? You met Aishwarya 2 years ago after my talk. Until today you are not even her first. Still, you think she is right.! . She and you say the same thing. Do you also think I am a love jihadi? I really love Aishwarya so I am ready to convert to Hindu myself!
Aditya – – Look, when a wildfire burns, it burns both wet and dry. Same goes for you. In today’s situation, the love of a Muslim man with a Hindu woman is love jihad! The same equation holds. You shout at me to shut my mouth but how do you shut people up? Let the people go, but how will you convince Aishwarya?
Yakub – It was you who told me 2 years ago that you should submit proof that your relationship with Aishwarya was consensual. Like that see I have submitted the proof (so Yakub shows the mobile to Aditya).
Aditya – What is this ?
Yakub-See how many hotel room booking bills are there, all of them are in Aishwarya’s name. And watch this video in which see what Aishwarya says.
Aishwarya- (Voice from mobile video) Today I went to the doctor and he gave me anti-pregnancy tablets. Very good and no side effects!
Aditya -Oh yeah, pretty strong proof, what do you think? That when you show this proof in the court, you will win the case and Aishwarya will be ready to marry you?
Yakub- Oh, but this evidence is of no use?
Aditya – I asked you to collect this evidence so that in future if Aishwarya files a false case of sexual harassment or rape against you, this evidence will exonerate you in court.But now everything is upside down. Now you are going to file a case against her and for the point on which you are going to file a case, this evidence will not be of any use, rather the court will convict you!And God forbid if the media gets to know about this case it will make a 24 hour spectacle of it.For the past 2 years, except me, no one else knew about your affair, but if the media gets to know about this case, it will be a breaking news world wide.The media is waiting for this kind of spice and finally the decision of this case will be against you!
Yakub-Oh, but there is no solution to this?
Aditya-The only solution is to break up with Aishwarya. Do what she wants, and set her free!
Yakub – It is not possible, I am in love with Aishwarya, my love is not just physical relationship but mentally I am totally involved in her. I can’t live without her. I want to marry her right now and be the father of her child. And for this I am ready to change my religion.
Aditya – – And if this doesn’t happen, Aishwarya still breaks up with you?
Yakub – Will end it!!! I will finish her first and then myself!!
Aditya- Done? Mr. Yakub, You are working on the post of ACP in Mumbai Police Department. But your one-sided love for Aishwarya puts you in the shoes of those criminals who come to the police station. You have become quite a crazy lover! Today you are talking about violence. Tomorrow you will do it for real. If you continue this stubbornness and this madness, I will have to end my childhood friendship with you and think about Aishwarya’s safety! And you have to see some psychiatrist!
Yakub- It’s not like that, but I also have a feeling of guilt that I am acting against Aishwarya’s wishes. I want to get rid of this mental stress.
Aditya-That is why you and Aishwarya have been called here to my house for counselling, instead of filing a case in court. My wife Deepika is a lawyer in civil court. She has experience in how to solve such cases through counselling. Aishwarya and Deepika will come in a little while now.
(And at the same time Deepika and Aishwarya come out of the bedroom Deepika comes first followed by Aishwarya. Aishwarya has a very disappointed and sad expression on her face. Deepika motions her to sit on the chair. When her eyes meet Yakub’s while sitting on a chair, her expression changes completely and she stands still and looks at him angrily. Just then Deepika speaks to her. )
Deepika – Aishwarya,Sit in the chair. Yakub you too (Pointing to the chair in front of Aishwarya) sit here.
(Saying this, both Aditya and Deepika sit on the middle sofa .)
Deepika- Yes, Now Speak, Aishwarya what is your problem?
Aishwarya- this Yakub, one number “love Jihadi” Now he is forcing me to get married and convert to Muslim.
Aditya- Objection Madam, Yakub never hid his identity from anyone. Both of you have been sharing a room in a flat for the past 2 years. The owner of that flat knows Yakub by the name Yakub. He has Yakub’s Aadhaar card with his name Yakub on it. And he did not hide his identity from you either. We have evidence that you only wanted to have physical relations with Yakub. There are hotel bills and a video of you challenging Yakub with anti-pregnancy pills.
Aishwarya- Exactly, I was taking anti pregnancy tablet because I have taken loan for business. And I have to work day and night to pay it. I don’t have time for my family. So he cheated me by replacing my anti-pregnancy tablet with other pills.And since my pregnancy report came positive, he has been harassing me and forcing me to get married.And I’m not lying. Look, I have marks on my face.(Saying this, Aishwarya shows her face ) Not only this, yesterday he locked me in the house so that I don’t go to the doctor for an abortion. If it seems false, think about it.
Aditya-Yakub, is it true?
Aditya- what nonsense! You assaulted a woman and locked her in a house against her will? Don’t you realize how big a crime you have committed?
Yakub – I was helpless, how lovingly I had explained to her yesterday that I am ready to take full responsibility of this child. If you want, you don’t marry, or if you want to marry, I myself will convert to Hinduism. You go on with your business! You use your entire income to pay off your loan or use it for yourself, I don’t want a single penny of it. I literally knelt down in front of her and begged her but she was not ready to listen to anything but went to the doctor for an abortion! Then I was also helpless.
Deepika- So you beat her up and locked her in the house? She is right, you may be saying that I will take responsibility for the child, I will pay for it, but the child will grow in her stomach for 9 months, not yours! She will see a big belly during pregnancy. No matter what happens, people will ask who is his father?
Yakub-Yes, then I am ready to marry her!
Aishwarya – Now you will get married!I can be converted on that occasion! Your purpose of doing love jihad will be successful!
Yakub – I don’t want to do that. And if you feel like this, I am ready to convert myself to Hinduism..
Aishwarya – shut up ! Neither I want to convert to Muslims nor am I interested in making you a Hindu! In Fact I am not interested in you! I used to enjoy with you in the bedroom before this! But since yesterday, I can’t even bear your touch! Feels disgusting.
Yakub – Aishwarya…….! Even being a woman, how can you talk like that? To satisfy your own sexual hunger, you connected with me! And now that you’re pregnant, you’re going to kill the baby before it’s even born?
Aishwarya – Yes Yes I myself set out to kill my baby before birth! You are entirely responsible for this! Every moment of every day right now I’m going to die a thousand deaths!I will always have this feeling of guilt. So I will not be able to live happily even for a second.I was taking anti-pregnancy tablets every day without fail to avoid all this but you changed my pills without my knowledge and got me pregnant with the sole purpose of marrying me for the sake of this child and turning me into a Muslim! This is your conspiracy! But I will never let you succeed in this conspiracy.
Yakub -I am acp but my monthly income is not as much as yours but enough to feed a family of three comfortably. There are many live-in relationship cases in police stations where girls get pregnant and thereby pressurize their boyfriends to get married! And in such cases men have to marry their living partners unwillingly and mentally unprepared. If they don’t do that, the men are charged with sexual harassment or rape.Please, Yes I changed your pills and I got you pregnant but my purpose behind this was only one, ‘to marry you!’ I love you with all my heart.
There is no such conspiracy please beleve me .
( So Yakub fell on his knees and started crying )
Deepika -“Mr Yakub “, Legally, you cannot force this marriage on anyone! And when you are not married to Aishwarya, you cannot stop her from having an abortion. So no matter how much you kneel down and cry, it will not help! However, Aishwarya you said that having an abortion would make you feel guilty. For killing one infant you will kill thousands every day. Then I have a solution on this! Have you heard about surrogacay?Yakub, do you also know about surrogacy?
yes know If there is any problem in the pregnant lady, her fetus is left in the uterus of another woman and then the fetus develops in that woman’s uterus and then delivered.
Deepika- You said that you want your own baby from Aishwarya. Even if Aishwarya doesn’t marry you, it will be fine.Will you take all responsibility for that child? Will you take care of him? Then transfer the child from Aishwarya’s womb to another woman’s womb through surrogacy treatment and then take care of that child.
Yakub- (On hearing this, Yakub’s face shows agreement) – It’s okay! Great…!Deepika,it’s very good idea.I am ready.
!Giving birth to this child and giving custody of it to Yakub is a punishment worse than death. It is better to give death by abortion!Therein lies liberation. If the resulting child is a boy then fine but if it is a girl (take a deep breath)……So can’t imagine……………….!!!!
Yakub – Aishwarya, There is no such thing. I have both a boy and a girl, I will take care of both equally.
Aditya- Yakub (shouting ) !! This is your absolute confidence. I know why you accepted Deepika’s argument! Because you took Aishwarya’s child into your custody to handle that child carelessly, And no matter what happens, a mother will not be able to see the condition of her child! Then she will have to stay with you unwillingly.
Yakub – I will not do that either. How do you say that Aditya? You are my childhood friend
Aditya- Yes, I know you well because I am your childhood friend. Yakub, how did this sudden love for children awaken in your heart? Before this, you never liked children.I hate child … I hate child …Said like that.. My 2-year-old son Subodh has never been seen properly since he was born, never held him close, never brought him a gift on his birthday. I know you don’t even know his birth date!!!
yakub-Yes, but…….
Aishwarya – But nothing is wrong Aditya is saying that is right….
Yakub – What Correct is…..
Aditya- same thing…
(Thus, Aishwarya, Aditya and Yakub start shouting and fighting without letting each other speak, Deepika raises both her hands and screams loudly.)
Deepika- a minute ….. Silence Silence……. Silence….
(Aditya, Yakub and Aishwarya All three become calm )
Deepika- Aishwarya, I have a solution for your problem Yakub. Aishwarya, after giving birth to a child by surrogacy and giving custody of that child to Yakub, you cannot be freed from responsibility.Just as a husband has to pay monthly child custody after a divorce, you also have to pay Yakub half of the surrogacy and delivery costs and 10 percent of your income every month thereafter. Along with that, you can meet your future son/daughter whenever you want and keep an eye on them.If you find that Yakub is not taking care of your child properly, you can go to the court and ask for custody of your son/daughter. Is it ok………?
Aishwarya- No…..I have an objection ….!
Deepika- What objection ?
Aishwarya -After 2 months I will be going out of India. And maybe stay there forever. I will pay online but I will not know how my baby is being taken care of while staying there.
Deepika – Why ? In today’s age video, cctv footage you can find out anytime anywhere.
Aishwarya – video and cctv footage is not enough to convince me. This Yakub will make a fake video to show how safe and happy my baby is.
Yakub- Well, Aditya and Deepika live near my house and they will also give you a daily report.
Aishwarya – Ok, but what proof do I have if their report shows that my baby is not being cared for properly and I have to file a court case to get custody? Was there such a deal between us?
Deepika – As evidence for that, you can show the video of today’s meeting in the court!
Yakub and Aishwarya -(both at once ) Videos of the meeting? (And shockingly starts looking at Deepika.)
Deepika – Yes, the video shooting of your meeting has been done today!
(Thus Deepika pulls out a handycam from the tray on the center table and shows it to everyone. And then hands the handycam to Aishwarya and says.)
Deepika- Copy the recording from Handy cam to a pen drive and keep it with you. Yakub, you should also copy one.
Yakub- I won’t copy it and I don’t need it. Even I don’t need Aishwarya’s money either.
Aditya – My dear friend, don’t do that. If the case goes to court, this video will be useful for you. In today’s age, it is not easy to manage the education of children on one’s salary.
Yakub – – I cheated Aishwarya because I wanted this child, now take care of him, I am fully responsible for his upbringing. If Aishwarya wants to share that responsibility or not, it is up to her.(and then goes to Aishwarya and takes her hand)Live your life after surrogacy. I will bear the entire cost of surrogacy. I will never tell anyone who this child’s mother is or was. But have you ever thought that if you want to meet your son or daughter, you are most welcome.The doors of my house are always open for you.