Virginity in marathi part six sex story “मला हे जमणार नाही.” गार्गी श्याम च्या मिठीतुन बाजूला होऊन बाथ टब च्या बाजूला ठेवलेली बॉडी शाम्पूची बाटली घेऊन म्हणाली. “तुला हे करावेच लागेल. हि तुझ्या साठी सुवर्णसंधी आहे. यात तुला लाखो रुपयांचा फायदा होईल आणि तुझ्या कर्जाचे कमीत-कमी ४ ते ५ हफ्ते तू आगाऊ फेडू शकतेस. ” श्याम गार्गी च्या ओल्या पाठी वर बाथ टब मधील फेस लावून म्हणाला. “Sweet heart ,” गार्गी बाटली मधील थोडा बॉडी शाम्पू सॉफ्ट बाथ स्पंज वर ओतून श्याम च्या भारदस्त तगड्या उघड्या छातीवर चौळून त्यातून भरपूर…
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virginity hindi part six sex story hindi leena vishwa marati moggu in hindi kosala saga in hindi madaranga saga in hindi short crime story in hindi mumbai crime cases
virginity hindi part six sex story hindi leena vishwa marati moggu in hindi kosala saga in hindi madaranga saga in hindi short crime story in hindi mumbai crime cases “मैं यह नहीं कर सकती ।” गार्गी श्याम के आलिंगन से दूर हट गई और बाथटब के किनारे से बॉडी शैम्पू की एक बोतल ले कर बोली। “तुम्हे यह करना होगा। यह तुम्हारे लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर है। इससे तुम्हे लाखों रुपये मिलेंगे, और तुम पर चढे कर्ज के कम से कम 4 से 5 महिने कि किशते चुका सक्ती हो।”…
Read Morevirginity in english part six sex story english leena vishwa khidki ko english mein kya bolate hain kosala saga in english leena sex mumbai crime cases english mein chhat ko kya bolate hain
virginity in english part six sex story english “I can’t do this.” Gargi moved away from Shyam’s embrace and took a bottle of body shampoo from the side of the bath tub. “You have to do it. This is a golden opportunity for you.You will gain lakhs of rupees and you can make the advance payment of 4/5 months loan installment.” Shyam said while applying bath tub foam on Gargi’s wet back. “Sweet heart,” Gargi added as she poured some body shampoo from the bottle onto a soft bath sponge…
Read MoreVirginity in marathi part five sex story marathi leena vishwa marathi sex story katha vishwa marathi yomovies marathi leena in marathi leena sex sex stories marathi
Virginity in marathi part five sex story मुख्यमंत्री निवासावर गोळीबार करण्याऱ्या शुटर ना पकडून दिल्या वर अलोक ने गार्गी ला एक लाखाची रक्कम ऑनलाईन ट्रान्सफर करून, तिचा गौरव समारंभ केला. त्याचबरोबर आणखी काही केसेस ची फाईल ज्या अशाच काही टेकनॉलॉजि ने सोडवता येतील,त्या दिल्या, त्या निमीत्ताने श्याम आणि गार्गी चे एकमेकांच्या ऑफिसात जाणे-येणे होऊ लागले, आणि भेटायला आणखी नवीन कारण मिळाले. असेच एकदा ऑफीसच्या केबिन मध्ये काम करीत असताना गार्गीला श्याम दिसला तिने नजरेने खुणावून…
Read Morevirginity hindi part six sex story hindi leena vishwa marati moggu in hindi kosala saga in hindi madaranga saga in hindi short crime story in hindi mumbai crime cases
virginity hindi part six sex story मुख्यमंत्री आवास पर फायरिंग करने वाले शूटर के पकड़े जाने के बाद आलोक ने एक लाख की राशि ऑनलाइन ट्रांसफर कर गार्गी को सम्मानित किया. साथ ही कुछ अन्य ऐसे मामलों की फाइल भी दी गई, जिन्हें कुछ ऐसी ही तकनीकों से सुलझाया जा सकता है। इसी बहाने, श्याम और गार्गी एक-दूसरे के ऑफिस में आने-जाने लगे और उन्हें मिलने का एक नया कारण मिल गया। एक बार ऑफिस केबिन में…
Read MoreThe Mystery of the Swinging Swing Unveiling the Secrets Behind an Empty Playground – English Part 1
The Mystery of the Swinging Swing ” The fun of watching cctv at night shift is something different .” In the police station, Inspector Shiv Salaskar was talking while taking a sip of hot tea in his hand and looking at the LCD in front of him . “Absolutely right , 2 people have been sent for patrolling in the police van and we four can monitor the whole city with cctv in the police station . If we see any disturbance , we can quickly order the patrolling team . ” Shiv ‘s colleague Ravi said . ” See you both are right cctv number 20 which is installed in a garden 5 minutes away from our station , I see something wrong there . Sudhir , please zoom this cctv number 20. ” _ _ _ _ Fourth Inspector Sameer said As per Sameer’s order , Sudhir zooms the cctv number 20 on the LCD screen and when all four start watching , it appears in front of them……. In a garden there is an empty moving swing in front of which a 6 feet tall man is standing quietly watching and another 16 / 17 year old teenage boy is walking around the empty moving swing and shooting with his mobile phone . _ “Hey, look at this empty swing, how fast it is❗ It’s like someone is sitting on that swing and enjoying the swinging. Is it some kind of ghost or something ?” Shiva said in surprise . “There is no such thing as ghosts , this is some kind of conspiracy going on by both of them .” Sameer said . ” How is that ?” Sudhir said . “This guy who is standing in front , quietly , watching , has a thin invisible rope tied around his toe and is shaking the swing violently . And this boy shooting with a mobile phone will make a video of it and spread it all over the city and spread rumors. Let’s spread the word that there is a ghost in the garden❗” said Sameer . Sudhir said, “They are the bastards , now let…
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